Eco-Friendly Furniture: Tips For Choosing The Best Pieces
In this day and age, everyone’s mandate is to take every measure to preserve the planet. We have inflicted untold destruction on our environment, but we can reverse some of this damage with some extra effort. Eco-friendly furniture options not only promote sustainability; they are healthier for both the environment and your health.
However, there is a common misconception that environmentally friendly pieces can only serve a utilitarian purpose. Do not let such myths deter your green efforts. Contrary to this misplaced belief, numerous options are available that are functional, sophisticated, and elegant. Laundry baskets, for instance, are commonly used as storage for textiles. You can turn this simplistic innovation into a decorative piece within your home. Alternatives like the tall, braided laundry basket from Ferm Living are handwoven using rattan and strategically placed to organize and complement the bedroom or bathroom.
Are you thinking of buying eco-friendly furniture? The process does not have to be overwhelming. Here are a few tips to guide you through if you are interested in green living.
Factors To Consider
1. How Is It Made?
What material is the piece of furniture made from? A large proponent of the green movement advocates using recycled or reclaimed products. Take say, instead of cutting down new trees for timber, opt for reclaimed wood derived from demolished buildings and old furniture.
Innovation and creativity have inspired designers globally to utilize recycled plastic and metal. Nearly everything we use is recyclable, as long as one is willing to invest the money and effort. Recycled materials require less processing, and thus consume less time and energy. Using both reclaimed and recycled materials is an effective method of resource management.
And if the furniture is made from new raw materials, does it lend itself to recycling? Take say, a bed made from certified sustainable wood from a tree farm. When it falls into disuse, recyclers can reassemble it, and the pieces used to make other wooden items.
2. The source
Often overlooked is the origin of the materials used to manufacture the furniture. Timber from heavily logged forests, fiber from a factory that dumps its waste into rivers, or synthetic fabric that is not recyclable, are all options you can forgo. Eco-friendly furniture isn’t only defined by the materials it is made from, but also through its making processes.
3. Affordability
Eco-friendly furniture may be more costly. This may be due to the hype around the green movement or the level of skill applied. Online stores like Ferm Living are known to offer lower prices compared to brick-and-mortar furniture shops. And have a budget plan to keep your spending in check. Never go beyond your financial capability. There are hundreds of sellers with cheap brands that are affordable and of good quality.
Last Word
D-eco-rate your house or office in stylish pieces made from materials that reduce your carbon footprint on the planet. It is up to us to propagate and hold steadfast all endeavors to preserve Mother Earth. Purchasing furniture made using methods that protect the environment and use eco-friendly materials and methods ensures your impact on the Go Green movement is substantial.